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Placement Test

The number of attempts remaining is 1

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1 / 100

1) Hello. ______Hellen Watson.

2 / 100

2) Is this your office? – No I ______ work here.

3 / 100

3) ______the ingenious he surreptitiously acquired himself a copy of the answer key ______ gaining himself a pronounced advantage in the placement test.

4 / 100

4) Is it a small city? – No It’s ______ big.

5 / 100

5) ______ briefcase is this? – It’s Karen’s.

6 / 100

6) Mr. and Mrs. Wallis are from Toronto. ______from Canada.

7 / 100

7) Sandra ______ for a computer company.

8 / 100

8) This train ______ go to Dallas.

9 / 100

9) Do Penny and Joe live near here? – Yes. That’s ______ house over there.

10 / 100

10) The price is $515850. – That’s ______ half a million dollars.

11 / 100

11) Do they ______ a reservation?

12 / 100

12) The meeting is ______ Friday ______ the morning.

13 / 100

13) What’s this? -______ a computer.

14 / 100

14) How many spaces are ______ in the parking lot?

15 / 100

15) ______ you drive? – Yes but I haven’t got a car.

16 / 100

16) What ______ you like to drink? – A cup of coffee please.

17 / 100

17) Do you sometimes go home for lunch? – No never. I ______ have lunch at work.

18 / 100

18) Where are you ______?

19 / 100

19) If you see Mr. Harvey could you give ______ this fax.

20 / 100

20) In Europe flights are ______ expensive than in the United States.

21 / 100

21) Is there ______ tourism in the region? – Yes quite ______.

22 / 100

22) Why ______ you get up at 6:00 am? – Because I ______ an early appointment.

23 / 100

23) What time are you meeting her? – At 12:30. We’re ______ have lunch together.

24 / 100

24) Madrid is ______ capital of Spain.

25 / 100

25) I don’t think ______ have enough money to buy a house next year.

26 / 100

26) After ______ the museum we walked back to the hotel.

27 / 100

27) I use a special case ______ carry my computer.

28 / 100

28) They’ve both worked here ______ over ten years.

29 / 100

29) ______ you ever played basketball?

30 / 100

30) This is the key ______ opens the cabinet.

31 / 100

31) We?ve studied together______over 6 months.

32 / 100

32) When ______ you ______? – About an hour ago.

33 / 100

33) Sales have increased ______ month.

34 / 100

34) Have you ______ to the sports club recently? – No I haven’t had time.

35 / 100

35) Is Mr. Stein German? – No ______ Austrian.

36 / 100

36) You need your passport but you ______ have a visa.

37 / 100

37) Sorry I missed our appointment but my son was sick. I ______ go home early.

38 / 100

38) Steve often works until 9:00 p.m. He works very ______.

39 / 100

39) Drivers over the age of 25 have ______ accidents than drivers under 25.

40 / 100

40) I can’t find my suitcase. I think it ______ stolen.

41 / 100

41) She’s late. She said she ______ arrive before dinner.

42 / 100

42) It was ______ a cold day that you needed to wear two pairs of gloves.

43 / 100

43) Is this your pen? – No It ______.

44 / 100

44) Excuse me. Could you tell me how much ______ please?

45 / 100

45) Hi. Could you let me know how far ______ city?

46 / 100

46) She asked ______ I ______ to go with her.

47 / 100

47) Hi. I’m sorry. Am I late? – No I ______ long.

48 / 100

48) They haven’t made a decision. The plan is _________considered at the moment.

49 / 100

49) This is their email address isn’t it? – Yes …

50 / 100

50) Do you know the place? – Of course. ______ there.

51 / 100

51) There were plenty of road signs. so I ______ find the airport quite easily.

52 / 100

52) When the movie started. I suddenly realized that I ______ it before.

53 / 100

53) They’d learn the language quite quickly if they lived in the country ______?

54 / 100

54) ______ color is your boarding pass? – It’s blue.

55 / 100

55) I think Sara likes the idea.?Yes ______?

56 / 100

56) Our children were _______________ the evening before carnival.

57 / 100

57) The new machine isn’t bad but we’re not ______ satisfied with it.

58 / 100

58) Danger. Do not ______ off until the vehicle has stopped.

59 / 100

59) If they had asked for any money. I ______ given them any.

60 / 100

60) If the hotel ______ been a bit quieter we ______ enjoyed our stay there.

61 / 100

61) Where ______ you from? – Singapore.

62 / 100

62) Did you install the hard drive yourself? – No. it ______ by a computer specialist.

63 / 100

63) Cynthia screamed as the ______ bug crawled across the bed.

64 / 100

64) Where ______ they from? – Italy.

65 / 100

65) Did you translate the legal document yourself? -No. it ______ by a professional translator.

66 / 100

66) We cried as the ______lost the olympic competition

67 / 100

67) All our employees ______ given a $500 bonus after all their hard work.

68 / 100

68) Come over for dinner next mont. By then Eric ______ decorating the house.

69 / 100

69) The regulations require that all appliances ______ using the new procedure.

70 / 100

70) I want to keep my plans secret so don’t tell anybody ______?

71 / 100

71) I’m allowed to smoke in here ______ ?

72 / 100

72) Let’s cross the road. He ______ for us on the other side of the street.

73 / 100

73) I ______ if you might like to come to the movies with me.

74 / 100

74) If you ______ tried to pick up that table you______ have a backache now.

75 / 100

75) It’s noisy in the office because the subway trains run directly ______ the building.

76 / 100

76) The crime rate is very low here. I never worry ______ home late at night.

77 / 100

77) You should drive more carefully. – What do you mean? I ______ carefully!

78 / 100

78) Where shall I put this plant? – ______ you want. I don’t mind.

79 / 100

79) Booking a month in advance is much cheaper. ______ booked a bit earlier.

80 / 100

80) The passengers ______ were business travelers

81 / 100

81) What shall I prepare for dinner? ______ you want. I don?t mind.

82 / 100

82) Buying in the market is better-______ checked the low prices first.

83 / 100

83) The guests ______ were older people. were hosted on the first floor.

84 / 100

84) They should be here by now. They ______ got lost.

85 / 100

85) ______the current economic problems the company is doing well.

86 / 100

86) I live ______ Milan.

87 / 100

87) ________________ reasonable. Let’s try to find a compromise.

88 / 100

88) The penguin ______ the only species able to survive in such conditions.

89 / 100

89) ______ I known this was going to be so boring. I would never have come.

90 / 100

90) They weren’t having a conversation. They were just shouting at ______.

91 / 100

91) I don’t mind watching tennis but ______ play myself.

92 / 100

92) How ______ you spell your name. please? – R-I-C-H-A-R-D-S

93 / 100

93) Did you remember ______off the heat before we left?

94 / 100

94) I can run as fast as everyone except Robin. He’s the only one I can’t ______.

95 / 100

95) ______ had it stopped raining than the sun came out.

96 / 100

96) If we hadn’t missed our flight ______ by the pool in Barbados right now.

97 / 100

97) I’m tempted to accept. but I feel it may be inappropriate to ______.

98 / 100

98) Claimants must quantify the value of any loss ______ reasonable.

99 / 100

99) _____________ I would like to join you. unfortunately  I have a ____________ engagement.

100 / 100

100) They should remain in jail ______ time as they realize the error of their ways.

Your score is

